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Here is a list of everything you need to keep guinea pigs.

​1.​Hutch (size med for 2-3 guinea pigs / large for 3-4 guinea pigs) $60-$180
2.​Food bowl $5-$10
3.​Water bottle $7-$15
4.Feed $6-$20 per 2 week (for 1-3 guinea pigs)
5.Bedding $10-$20 (straw is the best bedding-some bedding go smelly very quickly)
6.Mite and lies spray $10 (last 1-2 years)
7.Wormier $10 (best to buy liquid)
8.Shampoo $10 (you can also use no tears formula baby shampoo)
9.Old towel or blanket (optional,but great to throw over the hutch at night)
10.Guinea pig $10-$45 (when you get your guinea pigs check the cage is nice and clean)

All together it is about $198 to start with. Feed, bedding and shampoo cost about $1,612 per year.

Buying your guinea pigs
When you buy guinea pigs you should aways get two because they are very social animals and get very lonely on there own. When you choose your guinea pigs check their eyes and ears are clear and they have a nice smooth coat. After you get your guinea pigs home put them in their hutch and let them settle in to their new home for 30 minutes and then you can play with them as much as you want. Just remeber they get very scaird very easly so be gentle with them.


Guinea pigs meals
Guinea pigs should have a handful of food every night (this is for two guinea pigs) if they are on grass the all day, if they are in an indoor cage they need two handfuls a day and at least one carrot. Guinea pigs can eat most veg and but, they can't eat potato, sweet potato ,onine and iceburg lettce. But they can eat all your other veg scraps. You should refill their water bottle every day.


Cleaning and looking after the guinea pigs hutch
Clean their hutch every week, first take out the dirtty bedding and throw it away, then place fresh news paper in the bottom of the bed area and place a good amount bedding on the news paper and your done! If you want to paint the hutch with water proof paint it is probly good idea so the hutch does not rot.

Guinea pigs health
You need to give the guinea pigs their wormier and mite and lies spray every 3 months, they need their claws clipped every year and to be washed every 2 weeks. Brush them every week or so, the more you brush them the softer they get!


That is all the basic stuff you need to know about guinea pigs,they are very cheap compaired two other animals. They are one of the cutest animals in the world. I love them and I hope you will to!

Here are some good websites I use...

By Cerys .G

This site has a coppy right.









Guinea Pig Care

Guinea Pigs












Squeaker & Charlie
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